
Incoming Exchange Student Programs

CIAEAE only accepts candidate exchange students from partner agricultural colleges from overseas universities listed below, which have agreement with College of Bioresources & Agriculture, National Taiwan University (CBA-NTU).

Submit your application to the international office of your college or university. Announcement of exchange student program (ESP) is independent on your home university or college. When you get assessed and recommended by your home college/university to CBA, you will have to submit the required document to our office by mail delivery through your international office.

Please be sure that you are the student from one of the Institutions of the universities below.

College of Agricultural, Consumers, and Environmental Sciences (ACES), University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
College of Agriculture, Purdue University
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University

Ecole d'Ingenieurs de Purpan (El Purpan) in Toulouse
Institut Superieur d'Agriculture de Lille (Group ISA Lille)
Institut Superieur d'Agriculture et d'Agroalimentaire Rhone-Alpes (ISARA-Lyon) in Lyon
Montpellier SupAgro in Montpellier

The Faculty/Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo

South Korea
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University
Dongguk University

Mainland China
Guangxi University
Fujian Agriculture and Forestry Universtiy
Northwest A&F University
Nanjing Agricultural University


**If you are interested in this program, please consult the contact the staff of your university. If you are already accepted by your home university as an exchange student to CBA, please wait for our notification or contact us directly (​